Saturday, April 18, 2009

Thank God for the rains

i was at work on Thursday Morning when the rains began. "Thank God for the rain", i said to the nurse working with me. She was absolutely horrified and couldn't imagine that i was glad it was raining.

i know the rainy season is not welcome by most city dwellers. of course nobody wants to contend with leaking roofs and flooded roads. well I'll entreat you to look a little beyond those and join me pray for more rain. the grass is now nice and green. we now have someone willing to put up the fence without charging us "workmanship".
soon good people, the first swing will be mounted and we'll get to see pictures of the playground. Keep watching this blog and keep supporting the parents playground initiative. we could be storming your neighbourhood soon.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

one year on

6Th of March 2009, was exactly one year since i conceived the idea of setting up a neighbourhood playground. the idea was very well received by parents in the neighbourhood however , this enthusiasm has not been backed by financial support.

So i now see why good proposals remain on paper. i refuse to let my proposal remain on paper. No matter how long it takes (although i wish we could move a faster) we will set up at least one neighbourhood playground.

I'ld like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has contributed to this cause. If YOU have not done so already, please lend your support. Spread the word.tell Egya Ataa Mills about the parents playground initiative.